Jeggings! I posted this on Facebook yesterday, but didn't get a chance to blog it. Because honestly, I can't blog anything on time. Oh well.
"What are jeggings?" you ask. Let's be honest, anyone who is reading my blog probably knows what jeggings (jean leggings) are. They are god's gift to women. Finally someone realized that jeans with an elastic waistband are too wonderful to only be enjoyed by pregnant women around the world. Stretchy denim with an elasitc waistband = comfort + style. Not to mention they hug your ass and fit inside boots quite nicely. I got two pair at Old Navy yesterday and I can't wait for casual Friday so I can wear them to work. They will be my best friend for the holiday dinners I have to attend this year because they will expand with me instead of digging into my waist and causing discomfort.
Jeggings = LOVE
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