Today I'm linking up with Mrs. Monologues and Fabulous But Evil for their True Life series. Each week for the next eight weeks they are hosting a link up for people to showcase their different blogs. This is my first link up ever!!!
I started blogging a couple of years ago as a way to keep an online journal of everything that was happening in my life and to be able to share it all with my friends and family. Basically, if you know me in real life, I tell pretty funny stories. I try to translate my humor and snark to this here blog, but I'm not sure it always works out in my favor. The problem is, I'm lazy. I have all these great ideas for blogs (mostly while driving) and then I never have the motivation to actually write them.
You know the dryer/sock monster? That whole middle space where a billion socks without matches are floating around? I think there is one with all my lost blogs in it.
So yeah, anyway. I think my problem is that I am too wordy. And I am totally Type A so if I sit down to start a blog, I can't just save it as a draft and come back to it later, so if I can't finish it in one sitting, it doesn't happen at all. Sad face. The other problem? I am at a computer all day for work, then I have a 45 minute commute home, then I usually go to the gym. By the time I get home, it's 8pm and I still have to shower and eat dinner and spend quality time with the hubs before bed time at 10pm. This is why I can't read books at lightening speed like the rest of you or write blog posts consistently.
I just realized this post is supposed to be attracting new followers and you are probably all like, "WTF? Why is this girl basically talking me out of reading her blog?" Cuz I'm a winner, that's why.
So anyway, I started this online journal about my life and then I started reading and following other people's blogs and commenting on them and then people outside of those I knew started reading and following and I thought, "They like me! They REALLY like me!", but then it became more pressure to post more often or be funnier or have more pictures and it's all kind of too much for me. I have to remind myself on a daily basis that if people want to read it, so be it, but I am really doing this for me and the fam. I have never done a giveaway, I don't have any buttons, I have never hosted a link up, this is my very first link up participation attempt, etc.
So, if you are a loyal reader, whether I know you or not, thank you! I do take comments and advice to heart and your input does mean a lot. I hope you stick around as I make my way out of this blogging rut. Trying to figure out this whole wifey thing :)
Oh, and go link up with those sexy bitches too!
Ooo I loves your blog. And you aren't too wordy - you are funny and interesting and follow-worthy. SO FOLLOW HER NOW!
I am playing along too!!! Go check out my blog and leave me some lovin!
Stopping by from the blog hop and just from that - I <3 you. I am the same way with pretty much all of that... haha
I think your blog is cute! You shouldn't let the pressure to blog often scare you. I just blog about what I want, when I want!
Just got your link from the link up! Cute blog and you seem pretty fun. New follower here. :)
And congrats on the wedding and such!
Think this post is great! Don't worry about what people think just blog about what you like ;)
My blog is just like yours... online diary and I love following blogs that use it as that. I am interested in others lives! haha So get ready to have me as your follower!
-Sarah from livinglifelakeside.blogspot.com
love you so much it isn't even funny...we need to get together soon so I don't die.
bahahaha you are amazing. lets be best friends?
lol - see, what i was thinking was, "OMG, this chick totally ripped off the thoughts in my head and made them into a blog post. She must have a shorter commute than me to make it home in time to write this stuff down before it falls out her ears."
But no, alas, we have about the same commute time. And I haven't been to the gym lately. So I have no excuse. Sigh.
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