I have since posted a photo home tour and the flyer for the sale of our home on Facebook. I have been flooded with texts, comments, and messages asking why we are selling and where we are going, so I thought I thought I would just take care of answering those questions here.
First, I would like to clarify that in no way are we selling because we HAVE TO. We are not under financial strain. In fact, our financial position is the best it's been since we moved into the home we built from the ground up. Given the recent market history and the fact that a lot of people have had to short sale or foreclose their home, that's where people's minds automatically go. Fortunately for us, that is not the case.
It just so happens that the market in our area right now is really good. And since we have been in our home for just over 3.5 years with a low interest rate, we are in a position to increase our financial position even more by selling our home. After all, equity is just money on paper...
This was by no means an easy decision, as we have been discussing it for quite a while now. WE love, LOVE, love this house. We watched this house go from a piece of paper, to a foundation, to our first home together. We chose the color of the walls and cupboards, the size of the tile, selected the slab of granite for our counter tops. JB proposed to me in this house. We had our rehearsal dinner in this house. My bridesmaids and I got ready on our wedding day in this house. We learned how to live together here and make decisions for our future together here, which has led us to where we are now. We have discussed our goals, plans, dreams, etc. And in the end, taking all factors into consideration, this is a great opportunity for us prepare for whatever opportunities may come our way (professional, recreational, or otherwise).
There are some that may think that we are moving backwards in the social progression of marriage -> home -> babies -> retirement, but that is subjective, and JB and I don't feel that way. We feel like we have the opportunity to reset and rediscover our passions and future plans. Some people think that this amazing home we have now is never going to come around again. But maybe something better will?
The other question I have been getting a lot is "Where are you going?". We currently don't have any plans to leave the area as we are both still employed here, our families are here, and we love the community we live in. Based on our research, we should be able to rent something suitable in the same area for $500-$800 less per month. You read that right. How do you deny that fact? Lower rent, lower utilities, and debt free?
Sign. Me.Up.
Now we just need someone to buy the house....

Home prices in Tri-CIties are pretty good...
ahhh good luck on the house lady! fingers crossed for you.
good luck!!
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog...actually that's a lie. It's just a long story that goes something like this. I was snooping Raven's blog to see what her recovery was like after her surgery for her "girls" (because I just had surgery) and I got to clicking links, which then got me to a post about y'all meeting, which then led me to clicking your name that brought me to this lovely blog of yours. All this to say, I love it! I did a little snooping and I find you hilarious already. Sorry for the longest comment ever. I have time on my hands. :)
Hey, any updates to share :)?
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